Trait bevy::render::render_resource::encase::ShaderType

pub trait ShaderType {
    // Provided methods
    fn min_size() -> NonZero<u64> { ... }
    fn size(&self) -> NonZero<u64> { ... }
    fn assert_uniform_compat() { ... }
Expand description

Base trait for all WGSL host-shareable types

Provided Methods§

fn min_size() -> NonZero<u64>

Represents the minimum size of Self (equivalent to GPUBufferBindingLayout.minBindingSize)

For WGSL fixed-footprint types it represents WGSL Size (equivalent to ShaderSize::SHADER_SIZE)

For WGSL runtime-sized arrays and WGSL structs containing runtime-sized arrays (non fixed-footprint types) this will be calculated by assuming the array has one element

fn size(&self) -> NonZero<u64>

Returns the size of Self at runtime

For WGSL fixed-footprint types it’s equivalent to Self::min_size and ShaderSize::SHADER_SIZE

fn assert_uniform_compat()

Asserts that Self meets the requirements of the uniform address space restrictions on stored values and the uniform address space layout constraints


Will panic since runtime-sized arrays are not compatible with the uniform address space restrictions on stored values


Will panic since the stride is 4 bytes

<[f32; 2]>::assert_uniform_compat();

Will not panic since the stride is 16 bytes

<[mint::Vector4<f32>; 2]>::assert_uniform_compat();

Will panic since runtime-sized arrays are not compatible with the uniform address space restrictions on stored values

struct Invalid {
    vec: Vec<mint::Vector4<f32>>

Will panic since the inner struct’s size must be a multiple of 16

struct S {
    x: f32,

struct Invalid {
    a: f32,
    b: S, // offset between fields 'a' and 'b' must be at least 16 (currently: 4)

Will not panic (fixed via align attribute)

struct Valid {
    a: f32,
    b: S,

Will not panic (fixed via size attribute)

struct Valid {
    a: f32,
    b: S,

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl ShaderType for Option<NonZero<i32>>


impl ShaderType for Option<NonZero<u32>>


impl ShaderType for f32


impl ShaderType for i32


impl ShaderType for u32


impl ShaderType for Wrapping<i32>


impl ShaderType for Wrapping<u32>


impl ShaderType for AtomicI32


impl ShaderType for AtomicU32


impl<T> ShaderType for Cow<'_, T>
where T: ToOwned<Owned = T> + ShaderType + ?Sized,


fn size(&self) -> NonZero<u64>


impl<T> ShaderType for &T
where T: ShaderType + ?Sized,


fn size(&self) -> NonZero<u64>


impl<T> ShaderType for &mut T
where T: ShaderType + ?Sized,


fn size(&self) -> NonZero<u64>


impl<T> ShaderType for [T]


fn size(&self) -> NonZero<u64>


impl<T> ShaderType for Box<T>
where T: ShaderType + ?Sized,


fn size(&self) -> NonZero<u64>


impl<T> ShaderType for LinkedList<T>


fn size(&self) -> NonZero<u64>


impl<T> ShaderType for VecDeque<T>


fn size(&self) -> NonZero<u64>


impl<T> ShaderType for Rc<T>
where T: ShaderType + ?Sized,


fn size(&self) -> NonZero<u64>


impl<T> ShaderType for Arc<T>
where T: ShaderType + ?Sized,


fn size(&self) -> NonZero<u64>


impl<T> ShaderType for Vec<T>
where T: ShaderType + ShaderSize, Vec<T>: Length,


fn size(&self) -> NonZero<u64>


impl<T> ShaderType for Cell<T>
where T: Copy + ShaderType + ?Sized,


fn size(&self) -> NonZero<u64>


impl<T, const N: usize> ShaderType for [T; N]



impl ShaderType for LinearRgba


impl ShaderType for MotionBlur


impl ShaderType for Mat2
where f32: ShaderSize,


impl ShaderType for Mat3
where f32: ShaderSize,


impl ShaderType for Mat4
where f32: ShaderSize,


impl ShaderType for Vec2
where f32: ShaderSize,


impl ShaderType for Vec3
where f32: ShaderSize,


impl ShaderType for Vec4
where f32: ShaderSize,


impl ShaderType for IVec2
where i32: ShaderSize,


impl ShaderType for IVec3
where i32: ShaderSize,


impl ShaderType for IVec4
where i32: ShaderSize,


impl ShaderType for UVec2
where u32: ShaderSize,


impl ShaderType for UVec3
where u32: ShaderSize,


impl ShaderType for UVec4
where u32: ShaderSize,


impl ShaderType for PbrDeferredLightingDepthId
where u32: ShaderType,


impl ShaderType for GpuDirectionalCascade


impl ShaderType for GpuDirectionalLight


impl ShaderType for GpuFog


impl ShaderType for GpuLights


impl ShaderType for GpuPointLight


impl ShaderType for GpuPointLightsStorage


impl ShaderType for GpuPointLightsUniform


impl ShaderType for LightProbesUniform


impl ShaderType for MeshCullingData


impl ShaderType for MeshInputUniform


impl ShaderType for MeshUniform


impl ShaderType for PreviousViewData


impl ShaderType for StandardMaterialUniform


impl ShaderType for ColorMaterialUniform


impl ShaderType for Mesh2dUniform


impl ShaderType for IndirectParameters


impl ShaderType for PreprocessWorkItem


impl ShaderType for GlobalsUniform


impl ShaderType for ViewUniform


impl ShaderType for ArrayLength